Brian Newsam - TIME Magazine Person of the Year 2006


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Last updated Tue Apr 27 2021

The following are links to various projects of mine, in various states of completion.

Archives of Radio Shows
Collections of various radio comedy shows, all in mp3 format, playable online.

Bell Ringing Pages
Various pages related to bell ringing.

Bernard Newsam's Universal Time
My father, the late Bernard Newsam (b.1913 d.1994), held some unique views on the nature of time and space. In particular he maintained that conventional three-dimensional space is an artefact of the human mind, and that (in his own words) "time is the actual stuff of extension of the universe". Various documents about Bernard, his life and his work are presented here.

Bleak Water
Photographs taken to illustrate the novel Bleak Water, by Danuta Reah.

The Cruise of the Dondevoy
In 1972 I took an extended trip on the canals in an old converted rowing boat. This is my diary of that journey, written at the time during my travels.

Economatics Control ROM
A ROM I wrote for the BBC Micro back in 1988 that might be of interest to devotees of retro-computing.

Emma Newsam, Suffagette
A newspaper cutting telling how my grandmother got into a political meeting at the Brighton Dome in 1910.

Goon Show Script Search
A tool for searching the scripts of The Goon Show

Photo Galleries
Automated picture gallery based on folders of photos.

Player Pianos
A couple of links to YouTube videos about player pianos

Some of my favourite recipes (and other people's!)

A page with a few videos from various sources, for various reasons.

A page with useful tools for playing WORDLE.

You Can't Murder Bach! (Discuss!)
Various YouTube links to 11 different versions of J.S.Bach's Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, ranging from the sublime to the wild and wacky.